Agnès Rocamora and Anneke Smelik (eds). Thinking through Fashion. A Guide to Key Theorists. Second and expanded edition. London: Bloomsbury, in press May 2025.

Anneke Smelik (ed), Delft Blue to Denim Blue. Contemporary Dutch Fashion. London: I.B. Tauris/Bloomsbury, 2017.
- Flyer
- Persbericht (in Dutch)
- Contents
- Book Review by Chamutal Leket in Journal of Design History: ‘unparalleled coverage of contemporary Dutch fashion’; ‘epic mission in data collection and evaluation’; ‘synthesis of vast scholarly sources’; ‘a timely contribution to present-day fashion discourse’

Agnès Rocamora & Anneke Smelik (eds), Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists. London: I.B. Tauris/Bloomsbury 2016.
- Flyer (including contents)
- Introduction
- Book Review by Bethan Bide in Int.J. Fashion Studies:‘boundary-pushing success’; ‘highly accessible’
- Book Review by Edith Lázár online at Anti-Utopias
- Book Review by Rachel Lifter in Fashion Theory: ‘very accessible guide’; ‘a framework for future research’
- Japanese translation: Tokyo, Film Art Inc., 2019, 512 pp. ISBN 978-4-8459-1716-7
- Chinese translation: Chonqqing University Press, 2021, 440 pp. ISBN: 9787568922869
- Italian translation: Pensare attraverso la moda. Una guida agli autori classici. Traduzione e cura dell’edizione italiana di Romana Andò. Milano: Meltemi, 2022: 434 pp
- Russian translation: Осмысление моды: Обзор ключевых теорий. ISBN 9785444819111, 2023: 408 pp

Liedeke Plate & Anneke Smelik (eds), Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture. New York: Routledge, 2013.
NB: Also in Paperback (2015)
- Flyer
- Introduction
- Book review in Visual Communication: ‘offers a new perspective for future memory research’
- Book review in Media, Culture & Society: ’thought-provoking and lively’, ‘strong introductory essay’

Sanne Versteeg & Anneke Smelik, Sociale media in de klas, 2013.
- Gratis Download pdf (in Dutch)

Anneke Smelik, Ik, cyborg. De mens-machine in populaire cultuur. Delft: Eburon, 2012.
- Flyer
- Introductie
- Recensie ‘Mens en machine versmolten‘. Taede Smedes, Noorderlicht Recensie Team
- ‘Ik, cyborg‘. Radio interview De Avonden, VPRO, 5 maart 2012 (niet meer beschikbaar)

Anneke Smelik (ed), The Scientific Imaginary in Visual Culture. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. Open access!

Liedeke Plate & Anneke Smelik (eds), Technologies of Memory in the Arts. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
- Introduction
- Book review by Marvin Carlson in Theatre Journal: ‘an important collection’

Anneke Smelik & Nina Lykke (eds), Bits of Life: Feminism at the Intersections of Media, Science, and Technology, University of Washington Press, 2008 (re-issued in 2015).
- Flyer
- Introduction
- Book review in Signs: ‘a succinct and rich overview’
- Book review in Configurations: ‘a superb collection’

Anneke Smelik, Sammy Frankenhuis & Sanne van der Hagen, De effecten van nieuwe media op jongeren van 12 – 14 jaar. Enschede: SLO (Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling), 2007.

Liedeke Plate & Anneke Smelik (red.), Stof en as. De neerslag van 11 september in kunst en populaire cultuur. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 2006.
- Inleiding
- Reformatorisch Dagblad, 11 september 2006

P. Boele van Hensbroek, L. van Heteren, S. Najand, & A. Smelik (red.), Underground Theory: Nieuw Cultureel Burgerschap. Arnhem: Stichting InterArt, 2006.

T. Dubbelman, A. Smelik & E. Wervers, Geletterd kijken. Werken met beelden in de nieuwe onderbouw.Enschede: Stichting Leerplan Ontwikkeling, 2005.

Inaugurele rede ‘Zwemmen in het asfalt’ – Het behagen in de visuele cultuur’. Uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Visuele Cultuur op de Katrien van Munsterleerstoel aan de Faculteit der Letteren van de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen op vrijdag 10 oktober 2003.

Effectief Beeldvormen. Theorie, praktijk en analyse van beeldvormingsprocessen. Assen: van Gorcum, 1999 (& R. Buikema & M. Meijer) UITVERKOCHT (SOLD OUT), maar een PDF van het boek is HIER te downloaden.

And the Mirror Cracked. Feminist Cinema and Film Theory.Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 1998.
- Translated into Turkish: Feminist Sinema Ve Film Teorisi. Ve Ayna Çatladi. Istanbul: Agora Kitapligi, 2008.

Rosemarie Buikema & Anneke Smelik (eds), Women’s Studies and Culture. A Feminist Introduction to the Humanities. London: ZED Books, 1995. SOLD OUT. Translation of:

Rosemarie Buikema & Anneke Smelik (red), Vrouwenstudies in de Cultuurwetenschappen. Muiderberg: Coutinho, 1993. UITVERKOCHT (SOLD OUT).