Welcome to the website of Anneke Smelik
Here you can find information about my research and publications.
Feel free to have a look around and download the various texts you want.
There is a special page on fashion research.
- I gave my valedictory lecture in 2023 at Radboud University of Nijmegen where I worked for over 25 years; I am now retired (which feels like a long research sabbatical!).
De afscheidsrede is te lezen als essay in De Groene Amsterdammer. - I am co-editor of the journal Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty.
- Here I am, proudly presenting the book Delft Blue to Denim Blue: Contemporary Dutch Fashion that gives an in-depth analysis of Dutch fashion, featuring 140 pictures.
- Email [email protected]
Rosi Braidotti and Anneke Smelik together initiated the ROSANNA Fund to help promising women scholars. The grants are handed out yearly on International Womens day around March 8. ROSANNA will greatly appreciate your donation!